

When you look around your home, you may think that creating a dedicated classroom area for 在线教育 是不可能的. 但不管你的空间有多小 向在线学习过渡 can be easier when you know how to organize and have the right tools.

We’ve compiled some tips for organizing your classroom at home and setting up a small classroom without needing all the bells and whistles to provide the best learning environment for your student—even if it is from the kitchen table! We’re also going to share some items you’ll need for organizing your classroom as well as some do’s and don’ts for organizing your classroom at home.


Setting up a small classroom inside your house doesn’t have to be a major project when you follow these tips:


不,没有! 对学生的学习空间要有创意. As long as there is a dedicated area, you don’t have to have an entire room. 看看那张吊床下面的空间. You can even buy a room divider to section off a corner in your home while your child is actively learning. When you start to think out of the box, you’ll be surprised at what you come up with.


当你在家整理教室的时候, 门厅的壁橱是储存学校用品的好地方. By installing inexpensive wire shelving from top to bottom in the closet, you’ll be able to neatly organize school supplies and put away learning materials your student doesn’t use every day. 

A cabinet in your kitchen that isn’t full or used often can easily store those extra school supplies. 为了更有条理, 拿起塑料储物箱, 把它们整齐地装满补给, 他们的标签, 把它们放在柜子里.


Attach a dry-erase board to the top half of a door and paint the bottom with magnetic paint to turn it into an instructional area and a place to display great work. You could also use the space to hang maps, the alphabet, or other educational materials. 

当你想知道如何安排家庭作业时, 挂一个24口袋的, over-the-door shoe organizer and store supplies in each pocket. 如果可能的话, 试着找到一个清晰的版本, which makes it easier for you and your student to see what’s in each pocket. 


如果你想找新的存储空间,向上看! 在未充分利用的表面上增加存储空间. This eliminates the need for another piece of furniture and makes the area look neater.


当存储空间最小的时候,投资一辆手推车. You can put all the supplies you need for the day and any supplementary teaching tools in the cart and just roll it out when it’s time for class.  


如果你的学习空间附近有一堵空墙, 涂上黑板漆,形成黑板墙. You can teach lessons, keep track of assignments, and let kids be creative by drawing on it. Plus, you save the hassle of looking for space for a chalkboard.


When it comes to organizing your classroom at home, you may need fewer items than you think.  以下是你最需要的三样东西:


Your student needs to have an organized student desk area where they can work. But rather than trying to make a full desk work, you can think out of the box for this one. 试着打造一张适合任何空间的办公桌. 

Two filing cabinets with a strong, flat surface across the top create a simple desk solution. The filing cabinets provide organized storage for papers, books, and other school supplies. Encourage your student to decorate the space with educational posters or 鼓舞人心的名言.  


尽管你的学生正在参加在线课程, 你仍然需要一些基本的学习用品,比如纸, 铅笔, 和蜡笔.


如果空间有限,笔记本电脑就可以了. 如果你的学生需要打印东西, consider a wireless printer that you can put anywhere in your home.

Want more specifics on what you need to set up a learning space? 我们创建了一个 购物清单 that outlines basic school supplies you’ll need to set up a small house classroom.

4 Do’s and Don’ts of Setting Up a Small Classroom in Your Home

Here are some quick do’s and don’ts to help you make the most of your 家庭教室:


当你在家整理教室的时候, don’t be attached to the idea of having just one learning area. 考虑在几个房间里分散到其他小地方. One could have a reading nook, the other could be a technology table with a laptop... 运用你的想象力, you can maximize the space you do have while providing your student with a change of scenery during their learning time.


如果你想避免在你的空间里放灯, 看看你房间里有多少自然光. This can eliminate the need for multiple lamps, saving you space.


Tight spaces call for a wall-mount folding desk, otherwise known as a Murphy desk. 这是一种可以从墙上折下来的桌子, 所以当它不使用时,它不会占用任何地板空间. 


最后, be sure to assemble a basket each morning of any books or activities you’re planning to use to supplement your online work. This not only helps when it comes to organizing your classroom but also lets your student know what’s in store for the day ahead.

When you’re looking at how to organize your virtual classroom at home, having the proper tools as well as thinking out of the box can help you make the most of the space you do have without spending a cent. Your house classroom can become the perfect setting for your student to excel!

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